Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This is about the third week of really, not all that great, weather! It could be worse! We really need a lot of water here in the Valley and so far we haven't had too much! I'm not complaining God!!!!! And in thinking over my life, I have been in pretty worse "stuff" When growing up, up in Washington State near Pullman, we really had a combination of weather. The Springs were beautiful and all the wild flowers started blooming and the birds were singing, the creeks were gurgling, and it was as perfect as it could be here on earth! Then the hot summers came, nothing to have over 100 degrees for weeks at a time and it was so sultry because of the Snake River not that far from us!!! And as I've said before, no electricity for fans or for refrigerators, etc. But despite that we, as children, thought nothing of walking the two miles to the store for an ice cream cone! (We had eaten it before we left the store and then had to walk the two miles back in the heat!) Then we had our August "dog-days", (as we called them!) the evenings started to cool down but the days were hotter than in July it seemed! Then just about when you got cooled off in the fall, winter came and yes, we had a lot of snow!!!It was about the same in Idaho but the snow was a little worse because we were more North! Snow time in Couer d' Alene was really good except for the walk to school when you couldn't even see the cars on the other side of the snowbank where snow-plows had really piled it up but there, we also had beautiful Springs and Falls and the Summers were fantastic with the Lake and all! When we moved to California, we had thought we were coming to "Sunny California" where the sun shone Summer and Winter. Boy, did we ever get a surprise the first Fall we were here and it didn't get any better! I told you about the snow piling up so high on our wedding night that we couldn't even get to the cabin we had rented! So I guess in every life "a little rain must fall"! We have, here in California, run the "gamut" so to speak, in the different areas we have lived in! From really bad heat, to fog, (not my favorite weather!) to wind, to snow and it seems like it anyway, never-ending rain!!!!! The worst part about all this rain is that when it starts to warm up we may have to suffer FOG again before the winds blow and the drying heat of Summer!!! Have a good one!!

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