Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Boys will be boys!

I don't know why some boys (and girls) are more prone to accidents. When I acquired my son Lester Bert, (we called him Jimmy) he was already twelve years old. Had been with his father off and on quite a few years. Then came Bob, who wasn't terribly prone to accidents till he got in High school and felt he had to go out for sports! Broke his nose once I remember, playing football, but for all around clumsiness, or whatever, no one could beat Bill until Tom came along! I remember when he was pretty small the neighbor boy across the street told him he would give him a ride in a wagon. Pulled on the wagon and out went Bill, right on his head!!! Cried for awhile and I comforted him and it was some time later that we found out he had fallen on a board and had what seemed like a boil on his rearend! Said he couldn't sit down without it hurting! When I looked, he did have quite a sore! I pulled the skin from away from it and out came what I later described as a two-by-four sliver, popped out! We put some medicine on the sore and it healed up fine. Another time, when we lived on a place on a ranch about twelve miles out of Los Banos, Cappy decided to go and see if he could get a deer! His boss there was the victim of the deer eating all the grain that he wanted for his cattle. (this guy was a game warden, so Cappy had permission!) He, Paul, had bought a Jeep for us to use, I didn't really know all the ins and outs of driving and had no license but anyway, Cappy took us up to this meadow under some trees, where there was a spring for the kids to get a drink of water and then he walked up to the top of a ridge. He told me to keep an eye on the ridge and when I saw him wave his arms come up the road to the top of the ridge and pick him up! It seemed like he was gone quite awhile and the kids got restless, (I only had Bob, Dick and Bill at the time. Les had left hom and was working someplace or another!)I saw Cappy wave his arms and told the kids to get into the Jeep. Bill was sitting on the top of the seat, I guess in the back and I started the engine and without telling them to sit down, etc. started off! Bill fell off the back of the Jeep, again on his head!!! And I guess the third time is a charm! He fell out of a wagon again when he was about 6 or 7 and it happened the same way!!! He just wasn't paying attention to what was happening. He just sat in a wagon and let come what may!!! Okay, I'm off your back now Bill! Now Tom! Thats another story for another day!!