Sunday, December 28, 2008

What a holiday!

Despite the weather coming down here to Simi Valley, We, or at least I, had a really wonderful Christmas and I'm not just talking about what I got or what we ate but the wonderful fellowship, friendship, etc. It was truly a wonderful experience! The weather, although cold, was clear and Wintery. The kind of weather that makes one want to stay inside with friends and family and share Memories! We Bob, Marilyn, Mark, Bev. and Maddie went to Mass on Christmas morning at 10:30 A.M. Mark and family got here fairly late from Arizona on Christmas Eve. Everyone was ready then to open their gifts because going to Mass at the time we did and then the dinner that had to be prepared, made opening gifts in the morning sort of bad! I had not seen Mark, Bev. and Maddie since last Christmas and I was not really feeling too hot last year!! The rest of Marilyn's family arrived later in the afternoon for dinner. That included her two cousins, John and his new wife and boys, and Ann and her husband Ken who were the first to arrive. Soon Linda, Marilyn's sister her husband Ted and their daughter Tracy arrived. We had a wonderful turkey and ham dinner with all the trimmings and of coursse the usual pies, etc. Then another exchange of gifts! Mainly then, after we all tried to get Marilyn to rest after her grueling week or two with a bad cold, and fixing up the house so beautifully and really doing more than her share of the cooking,. So all the other women were in the kitchen doing the cleaning up. (I was doing the heavy looking on!) I decided that about 10:30 I was going to go to bed. Ann and Ken, Michele,John and the boys left just before I decided to retire. I don't know what time Linda, Ted, and Tracy left because I was tucked away into dreamland after having thanked God and His Holy Mother that I was well enough this year to enjoy the day. Last year for Christmas Eve I went to my Grandaughter Angela's house because two of my Great-Grandchildren were singing in the Children's Mass! It was beautiful and the fact that I used to belong to that Parish made it really something special. We came back to Angela and Mike's for a Prime Rib dinner that Angela had cooking while we were at Mass. When we came out of Mass the wind had started blowing something terrific and all the lights went out in quite a large area of Northridge, where Angela and Mike live! Thia started a hunt for candles, kerosene lamps or anything for light! After dinner, by candlelight, Angela says "Well we had better open our gifts!" Of course all the lights were out on the Christmas tree and Mike went out and got a big lantern that he used in their camper and put it on the mantle!!! They didn't realize that I felt like I was a child again, remember, we had no electricity at all on the farm where I grew up! It was fun though, and the gift giving went beautifully! Bill and Wendy, Angela's folks took me home and when we started out we had no lights but the repair trucks were everywhere and I understand that a lot of the areas in that part of the San Fernando Valley were without lights most of the night!!!! But that was fun too but after Christmas I got a flu bug that was going around along with son Bob and wife and didn't get back to good old Lodi till the week before Easter!!! I hope my health holds up better this year because I want to be getting home in a week or so!!!! Goodnight and God Bless!!!!

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