Sorry I didn't get on line yesterday. I said I wasn't feeling good and the feeling lasted into today!I did get up earlier tho, yesterday I woke up at 10:30! Pretty
unusual. I didn't get my breakfast eaten till almost noon! Save money that way!
The summer I was 23 I went up to Wawawai to work for my Aunt Gladys. She had written that she needed someone to help her in the kitchen to cook for the peach picking crew. I went up and my job consisted of getting the vegetables ready for cooking, setting the tables and of course doing the dishes because my Aunt was packing peaches as well as cooking the noon and evening meal! I got paid for the job and I really had a good time too. When summer was over she and my Uncle Lance drove me home to White Pines so they could have time off too with my Mother and Father! Since I had left a boy friend to go up there and another up there to come home again I wasn't really looking for anyone but, well, you never know! I got a job at the Arnold Inn waiting on tables and we had a cook who was drunk half the time and the owner of the place would come in and ask me to help her cook in the kitchen. The job was O.K. We had no dishwasher except me and on this one particular night a friend of mine, Johnny, (he was married during the summer to my best girl friend1)came in to eat and brought a guy with him. Business was slow that time of the evening, we were about ready to close, as a matter of fact. So Faye, my boss, asked me to take over for her. Johnny introduced me to this guy but told me, "He doesn't speak any English but I'll order for him to you" With that I would ask Johnny, ask him if he wants this or that pertaining to the order. And Johnny, obliging as he was, would garble off something and the guy would smile at me, etc. I cooked and served both of them dinner and then started to do the dishes. Finally I went back into the dining room and asked Johnny to ask him, this other guy, if he wanted dessert. The guy answered in perfect English, "No, thank you!"Needless to say I wanted to kill them both on the spot!!They had made up this stupid thing! I was so embarrased! Then he told me he was Cappy Farnsworth and was working at a small lumber mill near the restaurant! And would I go out on a date with him. I told him my folks were coming after me soon so he asked me if I would like to go to a show the next night after work! I told him sure and that was that! The next night, I waited and waited and no Cappy. I had told my folks not to pick me up and so here I was. My boss told me she would drive me home. The next day he, Cappy came in and since he did have a valid excuse, I said I would go to the show with him the next night. Again, I was stood up! So the following night I told my parents, "No matter what he says, I'm not going to go out with him!" So my folks got there early and sat in the bar in the back, to wait for me. I was cleaning up the kitchen and in came Mr. Farnsworth! I told him I was not going anyplace with him so he might just as well go home! He went into the bar and when I got off work here he was sitting with my folks and they were having a good old time! I said to Mother, "Okay, I'm through, lets go!" She asked me to go to the ladies room with her and when we got in there she said, don't be too harsh on this guy, he's pretty nice! I said, "Oh, yeah!" The usual comeback to parents when you thought they didn't know what they were talking about! When Mother and I got back in the bar, Cappy says, "won't you change your mind? Tomorrow is your day off and we will have time to make the second show" So, I gave in and we went to Stockton to a show! That wasn't the last of it! He made a date with me for Sunday evening and stood me up again!!!I must have been pretty stupid, but the next day he came in and told me that he had been stood up with someone who had taken him to Sacramento! One of his brothers! And he had with him a letter from his Mother telling me all about him, that he had two children, a boy of twelve and a girl of seven. His wife had died in childbirth of the little girl and she and Cappy's father had taken them into their home since Cappy was working all over, trying to get over the loss of his wife! She went on to tell me that she thought Cappy had fallen in love with me, etc. and that she hoped it was so because he was so kind and gentle, etc. (All of which proved to be true!) I'll write more and tell you about my waiting six weeks to marry him!!! And it wasn't because the kids needed a Mother!!! And nothing else except a War started! WW2!
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