Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Strange isn't it, how time flies.....

I went this morning to a Funeral Mass for a fellow that I have known, oh lets see... at least 30 years. Gary died on Saturday, and Barbara, my sister, on Sunday. Gary and his wife started a retreat group called "Journey into Faith" some time before I had heard about it. It was based on the old Spanish retreat system called Cursillo. I was asked several years to make it by various relatives but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I had been on Catholic "silent" retreats. One would go to a Retreat House for a weekend and just do nothing but keep silence and pray, etc. Of course you got your meals, and a room for at least 2 nights. They really were great because you really started to think about where you came from and where you were headed. When I finally decided to make "Journey" I was told to bring a sleeping bag, clothing for two days, besides the ones I was wearing, etc. We, oh sometimes 25 or 30 people made it at one time. The leaders, like Gary and Margaret, his wife, had a "crew" who did the cooking, etc. Well, on a Friday afternoon we left for an undisclosed destination and then the fun began! We paid for no food, or anything that I can remember but we were in a camp in a forest, that was a Science Camp for kids during the schhol year. Lots of cots, rooms, etc. and I do remember we were greeted with trays and trays of different kinds of cookies and a cool drink or coffee or tea. The leaders explained the program to us which involved over the weekend; Bible Study, prayers, Mass etc. And of course delicious meals!!! It was really a lot of good fun besides learning about your Faith, etc. One thing stands out in my mind. On Sunday morning at about 5:30 or 6:00 there was this sound of singing and people marching and then came a parade of people who had made Journey before into out bunkrooms singing Hymns and throwing flowers on our beds! It was neat!!! After this all happened we got ready for breakfast.Oh I forgot! On Sat. evening we had an Agape" service. We were told that we had to be very quiet and that we were going to go up and surprise the "workers" in the kitchen. When we got to the kitchen, it was completely dark and we went into the dining room where all the tables were put into one long table and there was a bottle or two of wine and big loaves of French bread. for an evening get-together with the whole bunch! The lighting was candles in wine bottles and flowers on the table, etc. We sang and gathered as a "group" talking, singing, etc. Then it was lights out and off to bed we went. The next day was getting ready to go home day. We had a conference or two and then packed our things up. Mass was at 4:00 P.M. and the people who had brought us up there and anyone who just wanted to come up joined us for the Mass and dinner and then home! Everyone that I talked to said they had really felt like they were leaving Paradise and returning to the "cruel" world. One could only make Journey once but you could go back up the next time or anytime they had it to help out!!! I was working at the time so didn't go back up but the memories still linger on. And today at Gary's Funeral Mass, the priest who was our Spiritual Director up there said Mass and Some of the "songs" were one's from Journey. When th casket left the Church the group was singing "I Know Where I'm Going" Anyone of you who have made Journey will remember the song. After Church it was like "Old Home Week". Gary would have loved it!!!